This web site has been prepared by Michael R. Cogan, P.C., as a public service and for general information only. Nothing provided in this web site should be deemed or considered legal advice and/or a legal opinion by Michael R. Cogan, P.C. or any of its lawyers. The information provided in this website is not guaranteed to be current or up to date. You should always seek independent and competent legal counsel prior to acting upon any information contained in this website. The legal information contained in this website is not provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship and your receipt of information by and/or through this website does not create an attorney-client relationship.
Any and all inquiries by e-mail, letter, facsimile transmission or telephone are welcome. Your inquiry and/or application for legal assistance, however, will not establish an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship with Michael R. Cogan, P.C. or any of its lawyers, is established only by an express agreement, in writing, between Michael R. Cogan, P.C. and you for legal representation. Michael R. Cogan, P.C. reserves the right to decline representation of those applying for legal assistance; such declination may be oral and need not be in writing.
Counsel at Michael R. Cogan, P.C. are licensed to practice law in Maryland, the District of Columbia and/or Virginia; you should review the “Jurisdictions” section of this website for additional licensing within those jurisdictions. This website is not a solicitation in any state or commonwealth or outside of the United States, other than Maryland, the District of Columbia or Virginia.
Any and all disputes, controversies, actions and/or suits arising out of this website, or its contents, shall be brought in the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, Maryland or the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, Greenbelt Division, and shall be governed entirely, procedurally and substantially, by the laws of the State of Maryland.